UK Property News
Hometrack - London Housing Cycle - Where next - Apr 2017
Hometrack - What will the census tell us about the housing market - Sept 2012
Hometrack - Price rises stall in june on weaker demand and eurozone fears - July 2102
Hometrack - House Prices Up on Strength of London Market - May 2012
Hometrack - House Prices Rise on Scarcity and London Effect - April 2012
Hometrack - The Olympics & East London housing market - March 2012
Hometrack - What will the census tell us about the housing market - Sept 2012
Hometrack - Price rises stall in june on weaker demand and eurozone fears - July 2102
Hometrack - House Prices Up on Strength of London Market - May 2012
Hometrack - House Prices Rise on Scarcity and London Effect - April 2012
Hometrack - The Olympics & East London housing market - March 2012